April 02, 2021
Freaky Friday #10
Collage is very meditative for me. And that's where I need to be right now. And in doing so, has brought me so much relief from this VIBRANT spring energy currently upon us all. I thought I’d start back into meditative collage-world by updating the Five of Cups card I wasn’t happy with for the Bird People Tarot Deck a bit back. This time I used a goblet shape verses a tall cocktail glass with a straw in it and I’m leaning more towards the new goblet shape. It's definitely a more recognizable "cup" shape. I've posted both to compare and contrast. I think some more ornamentation is required for the goblets, but I need to have a think on what that will be exactly. So! More experiments. Please stay safe and well this weekend. The vibes are rather reckless.

Upright Meanings:
Reversed Meanings:
Hopeful outlook
False projects
Beneficial friends