Studio Closeup #17

Today’s art closeup centers around animals that can change colors because that has always fascinated me. The fact that some animals can do that is sort of magical really. I tried to convey the difference in seasons not only with the overall color palette, but also describing the “personality types” of the seasons by keeping the winter panel sparse and quiet and the summer panel busy and colorful. Please enjoy! I had a lot of fun doing this piece.

Title: Museum Series: Snowshoe Hare (Diptych)
Year: 2020
Media: Acrylic Paint, Paper Dioramas, Wood Panel
Total Dimension: (2) 4” x 4" Wood Panels 1/2” apart

Snowshoe hare whole pc
Snowshoe hare dip01
Snowshoe diorama01
Snowshoe hare dip02
Snowshoe diorama02