Studio Closeup #19

Today’s studio closeup is from the continued museum series that is presentable but not completely finished. Unfortunately, having completely finished pieces every Wednesday is proving to be a bit impractical for me. As I've said before, even though I’m constantly working on a number of pieces at one time, creativity often doesn’t care about self imposed deadlines and expectations. So as I go along here, Wednesday's Studio Closeups will start including more "works in progress". Art takes as long as it takes and I’m trying very hard not to view that as some kind of failure. The important part is that at least I'm making something and I need to be ok with that. The old "progress not perfection" concept still remains a challenge for me. Please enjoy this week's closeup and some internal dialogue to go along with it.

Title: Museum Series: Bewick's Wren
Year: 2020
Media: Acrylic Paint, Paper Diorama and Wood Panel
Total Dimension: 8" x 8"

Bewicks wren
Bewicks wren diorama