February 03, 2021
Studio Closeup #27
My energy and concentration has been all over the place (again) these days so today’s studio closeup is a piece I did in the 1997-1998 range and lives forever on an old school slide. Yes, I could show you things that I’m currently working on , but most of them need a LOT more work to be even remotely presentable but I am in fact creating and that’s the important part. I need to be happy about that. I believe I sold this piece to a friend and I am happy to report was NOT a casualty of the flood. These are the little canvas board panels I was starting to experiment with at the time. Shortly before this piece, I remember I found out the hard way that you cannot straight up varnish paper collage without preserving it first somehow. That was definitely was an idiot moment for me. Think of newspaper soaking up grease from French fries and that’s what my vintage collage piece had turned into.
These days I know to use a medium first and THEN varnish over it with an acrylic based varnish. Duh. Big duh. But this is how you learn (I keep telling myself). You learn way more from your failures than you do your successes. The important part is not to get discouraged by all your failed experiments and keep making more experiments regardless of the outcome. My inner self and I argue about this on a daily, hourly, minute by minute basis but I think some of it is finally sinking in. Now back to my experiments with no preconceived expectations. That’s the goal at least. Thank you for stopping by today. I hope the rest of your week is a good one!
Title: The Beauty We Can't Seem to Find
Year: 1997
Media: Acrylic & Collage on Canvas Board
Total Dimension: 5.5" x 23.5" (Triptych)