March 17, 2021
Studio Closeup #32
Spring continues to be chaotic and raw for me so let's talk watercolor today because it's quiet. Revisiting old work is challenging. In one way you see all the mistakes you made; how you'd do it differently because you're so great now, and also at that same moment, you're intimidated by your own work that you made back then figuring you couldn't possibly come close to that TODAY with all this time passing so why even bother to continue. That's a pretty messed up state to be in. That's one, of a couple things, I've been working on over here.
The three pieces I've put up today were all done at different times. The tiger barb was done in 2019 and that is the one I'm having the most trouble living with. It's the first time I've actually "colored in the background" and didn't have white space around my subject matter. Currently I'm on the fence if I attempt more "colored in backgrounds" (or not) with future pieces. I also think this piece got a little too muddy and oversaturated for my taste. I used a new watercolor paper for the tiger barb that I'm still not sure I'm going to use for my straight up watercolor pieces. It definitely reacts differently as the paint and water dries compared to the other paper I've been using for decades.
These pieces today are ACEO's (art trading cards) and have to be a specific size to be considered that. But when cutting the finished piece to fit that criteria, it drives me crazy that the piece totally changes into something else and I have to resist the urge to throw it away. Or burn it outside. I know I should draw smaller and make it fit inside, but that 's not how my drawing tends to be. These three pieces were not casualties of the 2018 Flood and exist in the physical world inside a waterproof container for future consideration. Enjoy, and thank you for stopping by. Please keep well during this stormy season.