Studio Closeup #36

I have an update on the past. It seems the two panoramic watercolors I posted previously for Studio Closeup #33 were all part of a triptych(!) and not individual pieces. I did not fully read my own writing on the slides.

The piece I’ve posted today is a watercolor done from photos of me as a kid spending time at my mom’s parents’ house in the country in the 1970's. It is the third piece in this triptych. I remember around the time I did these pieces, my grandpa had passed away and it hit me really hard and these watercolors came out of that. The drawing in pencil to the right of the piece is my mom holding me at my grandparent’s house.

A funny story about this piece! I gave this piece to my grandmother for Mother’s Day unframed and the next time I saw it on her wall it was all cut up into pieces to fit the frame she had picked out for it. I was speechless. But it taught me a valuable lesson to make watercolors into standard sizes to avoid that in the future. I do still like working in weird sparse panoramic form, I just try to be more mindful of how it’s going to look on a wall and cost if framing is involved. I’ve also included all three pieces in order of how this triptych would look together as a whole on a wall and a photo of the original slides because I'm silly for slides. Thanks for stopping by today!

Art blog 36 A
Triptych: Piece #3
Art blog 36 B
Original slides
Art blog 36 C
Triptych: Piece #1 (top)
Art blog 36 D
Triptych: Piece #2 (middle)
Art blog 36 E
Triptych: Piece #3 (bottom)