May 12, 2021
Studio Closeup #39
I’ve been spending a lot of time painting white paint in prep for new pieces but that really isn’t Studio Closeup material, so today’s closeup is a collage from one of my sketchbooks dated 2012. The black and white portion of the collage is from a 1940’s Coronet magazine not sure where I sourced the color part. It does not yet have a title. They had a lot of black and white upright still photos in Coronet magazines, so I thought I’d use those stills and try to make full page collages. Back in the days of art school times (Milwaukee, early 1990’s), I was able to collect a lot of those 1940's, 1950's Coronet magazines at a place called Renissance Bookstore downtown. Downstairs they had piles and piles and piles of old magazines. I think they were all .50C - $1.00 each, so I snatched up as many as I could afford because I don’t think that bookstore knew what kind of treasure it had down there. I also got a lot of 40’s - 50’s Woman’s Day magazines down there too. It was a really cool place, right across the street from the King And I Thai restaurant, stuffed to the gills with old books.