September 02, 2020
Studio Closeup #5
Today is another retrospective of my work. I’m in-between a few new museum series paintings that I’ve been bringing up to completion, but I don’t want to rush my process "just to get it done". I’ve been getting these pieces to a state of completion and then I go and do something new to it and I take it two steps back again. When do you know a piece is finished? GREAT QUESTION. It’s definitely a feeling question more than a head question. But the technical part of it is important too. Design, color, composition are all important, yes, but that feeling of it “finished” - that, that’s how it’s going to exist forever is a tough question to always answer. Not sure if other artists struggle with this but I always have.
Back to today’s piece, the date on the back of this is 1998 and is another 7”x5” (hung 1/4” in-between) diptych. The title is “Masculine Arrogance”. I was heavy into the 40’s and 50’s magazines and music back then - trying to hold onto the stories my grandparents had told me growing up. My mom’s father had recently died, my mom’s mom was losing a battle with cancer and this was my way of dealing with and escaping from it. I was blown away how different society was and how women were portrayed. The bus driver guy is from a 365 day calendar of classic pinups. The art of pinups is a journey all on its own that I strongly encourage.
It’s also the first time I was trying out a more conceptional and narrative way of making art rather than drawing and animation so it was really a stab in the dark at this point in time. But I liked the possibilities and the meditation state it put me in while doing these types of pieces.
Please enjoy.
Piece Title: Masculine Arrogance (diptych)
Media: Acrylic and Collage on Canvas Board
Year: 1998
Size: Two 5"x7" panels hung 1/4" apart