October 20, 2021
Studio Closeup #53
Happy full moon in Aries tonight which might mean nothing or it could mean everything. It depends on what your thoughts are on such things. Today’s studio closeup is a past work existing in slide format only. I painted this in the early 2000’s and was trying to paint the feeling of being inside a theater. Recently I had a dream about this piece - that it had hidden parts that would glow in the dark under the right light (it does not) but that would be pretty great wouldn't it. Lately, my dreams have been exhausting so this glow-in-the-dark suggestion was a welcome respite. The square pieces at the bottom are audience members. The yellow space is stage activity and I think that’s an Angela Lansbury comic playing up there. The candelabra on the left side represents theater lighting. Georgia O’Keeffe shapes represent a red stage curtain; the curtain at Riverside Theater in Milwaukee to be exact. Please keep safe and well this full moon in Aries. You just never know these days.