September 16, 2020
Studio Closeup #7
The museum series is chugging along nicely, but a couple pieces I'm currently finishing up need to be "walked away from" for a bit so I don't burn them in the backyard out of frustration. I know that's juvenile and ridiculous, but that's what happens over here sometimes.
Today's studio closeup is another offering from my past. These pieces were done in 1998 and was me experimenting with a more conceptual-abstract(?) direction than the realistic renderings I had been doing in art school.
This experiment is a quadriptych done in the style of the covers of "Dick and Jane" books that were popular back in my parents' day. I remember purchasing this book for creative idea inspiration and this was my brainstorm at the time. I loved the colors and design of these covers especially how they had lined them up for this photo shoot.
A few years back, after I relocated these panels in my upstairs studio stash, I think that's when it clicked for me to start hunting down my own reading materials from elementary school and give a nod to my generation's reading curriculum.
Please enjoy my tribute to the old "Dick and Jane" book covers.
Title: Dick And Jane Covers
Year: 1998
Media: Acrylic Paint, Canvas Board and Collage
Dimensions: Quadriptych, 5" x 7" canvas board panels hung 1/4" apart