April 07, 2021
Studio Closeup #35
I had a lovely surprise recently when I discovered this piece has been upstairs the whole time and didn’t wash away with the 2018 flood(!) They were hiding upstairs in the little room where I keep all my vintage magazines(!)
So since spring has certainly been springing, please enjoy my little watercolor story of spring I created a long time ago before the internet even existed in 1995. This series of five boxes is a pentaptych. I was trying to make all five pieces into a “still animation” of sorts. The two little pieces after the first image of the robin’s nest/eggs is the mother robin in motion getting food. The other images are more storyboard in nature. The little wood frames were purchased at The Dollar Store with shadow boxes in mind. I remember being sad they didn’t have more. They’re cleverly put together and especially for a buck each! They are very small and it is harder than hell to photograph without a glare from the glass so these are slides of the images inside. The collages on the outside wood frames are from old Milwaukee newspapers a good friend had given me from her grandmother’s attic. Thanks for stopping by!