February 08, 2021
Music Mondays: Carolaoke Song #26
Welcome to today’s Carolaoke Song #26. Today I chose to cover vintage Madonna’s “La Isla Bonita”. I know I’m no Madonna, not even close, but I love this song and I love to sing this song. ESPECIALLY in the car. IN FACT, I still have the original 45 and its original paper jacket it came in as you will see below. I remember I had my learner’s permit and drove downtown to “Mainstream Music” in our 1984 stick-shift Pontiac Phoenix on a beautiful spring day and bought this 45. When I got home, I opened my bedroom windows and proceeded to play this song over and over all day pretending I was Spanish Madonna. The Latin-esque music was what really caught my attention when I heard this song on the radio and I just couldn’t get enough of it. I also kept this record jacket in mind when I needed inspiration for my senior pictures in 1990 which I've also included. So, I guess I always was nuts, living out loud with my heart on my sleeve, trying to find the good in everything weirdo. Although, finding the good in everything in modern times is more of a “Well, hm, let’s try to find some (any) positive aspect of this current shitstorm we’re experiencing” approach. I’m also trying to rebuild that wide-eyed ambitious living out loud with my heart on my sleeve girl who got lost in Life’s fray. I know she’s still in there, it’s just a matter of coaxing her out, little by little by slowly.
Thanks for stopping by today! Please enjoy this homemade scratch track cover of Madonna’s “La Isla Bonita”.