Music Mondays: Carolaoke Song #25

I really needed Sonny & Cher with their trumpets and trombones to shake this funk I’ve been sitting in. I remember bits and pieces of The Sonny & Cher show in the 1970s most of it funny and colorful. You were the shit if you had a Cher doll at the time. I did not have a Cher doll so I was not the shit, but my cousins did! I couldn’t get enough of combing her silky long black hair, all her colorful sparkly outfits, and the fact she could hold a microphone (if I’m not mistaken). Or was that the Marie Osmond doll? They had her and Donnie too. My cousins had all the toys that made you the shit. I was never really into dolls and always pictured that Cher doll as more of an “action figure” but what’s really the difference anyway I suppose. I personally think everyone should get their own action figure.

Please enjoy my scratch track cover of Sonny & Cher’s, “The Beat Goes On” and I hope this week treats you well.

Carolaoke Song #25
The Beat Goes On ~ Sonny & Cher

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Freaky Fridays #2

Freaky Fridays are the wildcard day here on where I post anything I want to. This week while rummaging through more of my crap, I came across the project I started before I started on The Museum Series. That would be the making of my own tarot card deck. And yes, it’s a bird themed deck but if birds had a wardrobe. And had human hands and such. And were way creepier than they already actually are. Some books suggest one makes their own tarot deck to learn the language of and familiarize themselves better with what the cards mean and how to do better readings for people so I thought I’d try that. I have to make 72 pieces of art for this to happen. Thus far, I seem to have 10 done so this is going to take a while.

Here are three cards out of the deck in no particular order because that’s how I’m working on the deck. Normal people would probably start with the Major Arcana 0-21 and then go to the Minor Arcana suit by suit, number by number but not me! My brain doesn't work that way and it's annoying. I’m also finding all these image pieces of birds and humans inside all my old magazines and books and sometimes you run across something you know has to be for a specific card that you need to create right away that isn’t “in numerical order”. And so you do.

Now back to tending to The Museum Series, although after posting this I want to pull out my dyes and figure this deck out some more.

Keep well everyone.

Tarot deck 01
Bird People Tarot Deck: Queen of Wands
Tarot deck 02
Bird People Tarot Deck: Page of Wands
Tarot deck 03
Bird People Tarot Deck: Two of Pentacles

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Studio Closeup #26

Today’s Studio Closeup is something I just started; sort of a series in and of itself that’s been brewing in the background. I have quite a number of these vertical bird houses planned that will feature a paper diorama, a “filmstrip theater view box” (for lack of better terms) and a perch for all that to rest on. The button for the light show will be installed under the perch. I really needed some pink and green in my life so I decided to start a hummingbird piece.

Hope this finds you well. Please enjoy.

Hum bird vertical
Hummingbird painting in progress.
Hum bird diorama
Hummingbird paper diorama.
Hum bird flowers slide
Hummingbird pink flowers slide.

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Music Mondays Carolaoke Song #24

Today’s Carolaoke tune is Patsy Cline’s “I Fall To Pieces”. I’m outta words today. It was a tough weekend and it took a lot out of me. I plan on chilling out and painting for the rest of the evening.

Keep well and please enjoy Carolaoke Song # 24.

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Freaky Fridays #1

Who’s up for “Freaky Fridays” over here at And what does that mean exactly? It’s a wildcard day where I’ll be posting something that will probably be (but not limited to) music or art every week on Fridays. For example, puppets and puppetry would be under the art category so expect a whole bunch of weird shit.

Today’s offering will be in the music category. I’ve been listening to my music on shuffle lately so I don’t keep listening to the same three songs everyday like I tend to do. This is quite a huge step for me since I wasn’t even listening to music with words for the past five years. Mental breakdowns come in all shapes and sizes and that was part of mine. Anyway, shuffle reminded me of this tune I constructed in 2008-2009 and I thought I’d share it for the new installment of “Freaky Fridays”.

This song was constructed inside GarageBand. It was/is my first attempt dabbling in trying to make a Latin-esque tune. Maybe it’s because I’m the product of the 1970s that I cannot get enough of a horn section in songs. I used the musical instruments available inside GarageBand for the “horn section” in this tune and for the life of me, I’m trying to figure out how I did that. I seem to remember GarageBand expansion packs in CD form and hopefully they have digital versions available now. I haven’t investigated yet but I will. I’ve also been back at the piano so perhaps I’ll be brave enough to make my own musical parts. It’s too soon to tell right now. Healing yourself is a very tricky and fragile matter.

Welcome to the first “Freaky Friday”; hope you enjoy one of my own tunes entitled “Your Loss”. Thanks for stopping by! Keep safe and I hope the weekend treats you well.

"Your Loss" - Carol Kroll

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