Music Mondays: Carolaoke Song #14

Unfortunately, I come with no stories for today's Carolaoke offering. Some days are just like that, I guess. I've been in my head A LOT lately and sometimes the inability to form words or coherent sentences can be a side effect of head time. But it is Music Monday so please enjoy my scratch track version of Gwen Stefani/No Doubt's "Bathwater" and I hope to be back to my old wordy self soon. Please keep well.

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Studio Closeup #14

Today’s studio update is another look into the past. As usual, I have several new pieces in various stages of completion but still not ready to be called “done”.

So today upon the recent discovery that I have some of the artwork that was lost in the 2018's flood but still exists on film, today’s offering combines a story of music AND visual art.

Many of you may or may not know that I was in a band. Full of animators. The band’s name was Sweet Jelly. In the 10 years we were together we recorded an album, played a stage at Summerfest and wrote over 70 songs together. The scratch track for “Wanda The Great” was recorded October 6, 2000 which is what we consider the beginning of Sweet Jelly's songwriting process and start of the band and this is what Aaron Johnson and I captured that night. The name for the band came later and is another story all together.

I've included the original scratch track version and the final album version here of “Wanda The Great” to experience the journey of where it came from and where it went.

When I wrote the lyrics for this tune, I definitely was inspired by Suzanne Vega’s “Tom’s Diner” and the story she weaves. And I’ve always loved the circus. I remember realizing at the time of writing this tune we had just moved right into the circus capital of the world while reading the plaque in downtown Mazomanie, WI:

“The Ringling brothers — Alf, Al, Charles, John and Otto — performed their first vaudeville- style show in Mazomanie in 1882 and two years later had a traveling circus with a wagon and a rented horse.

By 1900, the brothers had one of the largest traveling shows in the country and began buying other circuses, including, in, 1907, the Barnum and Bailey Circus. The Ringlings moved the winter quarters from Baraboo to Bridgeport, Connecticut, in 1918 and then in 1924 to Sarasota, Florida. Irvin Feld, a music and entertainment promoter, purchased the circus in 1967.”

(Article source)

Had no idea about ANY of this before moving here. But I did always have a thing for the circus! At the beginning of the final album version of Wanda The Great, there’s a circus record playing. That is my circus record as a kid recorded for the song and yes I still have it. I’ve been told many times it came from a circus train toy that my uncle gave me when I was a toddler. The train itself made noise too that apparently drove my parents nuts as that’s the only toy I played with for quite a while. And I’ve always woken up super early or never slept at all so I’m sure that was super fun for them.

Back to Wanda. Besides having every animal imaginable under one tent and tons of color, circuses are also kinda creepy which is another reason why I like them. Enter Wanda. What if a crazy old bird from the old time circus days came up and talked to me while I’m somewhere in public having a snack? (pre-COVID-19) Twenty eight year old Carol says, yeah, let’s write about this. And “Wanda The Great” was born.

Today’s post is of the diptych I painted in tandem with writing the lyrics to this song. It’s cool to see the piece again even though it brings up a lot of feelings I’d rather not deal with, but I realize that’s been a lifelong issue with me so here I am sharing.

Please enjoy this bittersweet look into the past. And keep well everyone.

"Wanda The Great" original scratch track 10-6-2000

Art for the song "Wanda The Great" 2001

Wanda The Great

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Music Mondays: Carolaoke Song #13

Today's song pick is Bonnie Raitt's, "Guilty". The lyrics really hit home with me, I sadly have to admit. I'll leave it there with a reminder for everyone to vote tomorrow if you haven't already. I will be attending in person in a full hazmat suit. Because of all the shenanigans going on right now, I need to do it in person so I know there isn't going to be any fuckery with my vote. My trust does not come easy.

Please enjoy my scratch track version of Bonnie Raitt's, "Guilty" and thank you for stopping by.

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Studio Closeup #13

Today's closeup is another one from the archive. It still exists in its physical state and did not perish in the flood. This triptych is all about that magnificent and mysterious toy: The Magic Eight Ball. According to the info I have, this little project was done back in 1999.

I remember that this was one of the first experiments I did with doing a painting and trying to write a song in tandem. I recently uncovered an attempt at the music and lyrics for the song I had planned but apparently I erased everything. I wish I hadn't! But that's the kind of crap I pull. I remember I wanted it to also sound creepy and I think those notations at the top were my keyboard sound button settings.

I think.

You might be able to make out what nonsense I had planned within the photo I included. Maybe this is a concept I will revisit again regarding paintings in tandem with music and lyrics. I'm certainly not "there" yet, but I am at least considering the possibility again. In the meantime, the Carolaoke Collection and Museum Series is where I feel comfortable being right now.

Title: Magic 8 Ball - Triptych
Year: 1999
Media: Acrylic Paint, Paper Collage & Canvas Board
Total Dimension: (3) 4"x6" Canvas Boards

IMG 1022
IMG 1023
IMG 1025
IMG 1026
IMG 1030

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Music Mondays: Carolaoke Song #12

Today's scratch track cover is of icon Joni Mitchell's, "Big Yellow Taxi". I really love the fact that she is both a musician/singer and visual artist. For me personally, this gives me less of a "jack of all trades master of none" feeling and more of a "it is completely possible to be both".

When I make visual art, I am in a headspace and feeling of calm and silence. With singing or performing, I have go to a completely different place; one that involves confidence, self esteem and a much higher vibrational energy. And that place is not as easy for me to get to or more importantly, let go of once I'm there which tends to leave me crazed and manic even though I love it and love doing it. This song project has helped me study and wrangle these feelings and accept that this is how I operate. It's hard not to want to drink myself silly after I've had the euphoric sensation of being alive and existing in the extreme present with singing and performing. Drinking alcohol has that same effect on me which is why I think I sometimes seek it out to continue that "good feeling" and not have to endure the extreme letdown that comes with doing live forms of art. At least I'm in a place now where I can recognize this trigger and develop new, perhaps healthier, coping habits with the extreme ups and downs of the creative personality.

Please enjoy my scratch track Carolaoke version of Joni Mitchell's "Big Yellow Taxi" for today's musical offering.

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