Every Monday I will be posting a "new" song that will be a tune I've always wanted to sing and record. New is in quotes because these will be covers that I am singing for solely therapeutic reasons and have nothing but the utmost respect for the artists who created the original music and lyrics.
Why bother? That's a great question I ask myself every day. About everything. Why bother with anything especially in this highly dysfunctional timeline we all seem to be finding ourselves in. I've missed singing and performing for some time now, but today's events have put that part on hold indefinitely but really I’m too old, jaded and tired to start a new band with new personalities, skill-sets, egos and opinions, so I'm going this route instead: Karaoke backing tracks which I purchased and my vocals recorded on top as a sort of tribute to my musical heroes. Life is what you make of it.
Think of these recordings as slightly polished scratch tracks. Quincy Jones I am not nor ever will be, so I did my best with the tools I have and what little knowledge I have of recording.
A little information on today's offering - I was a kid growing up in the 1970s. My parents like to have fun, which also included lots of parties and music. Linda Rondstadt's album (or vinyl, as the hipsters say now) was in heavy rotation at those things. I remember hearing this angry song being sung in the most beautiful way - angelic yet strong, powerful & triumphant and that always stuck with me. Along with the photo of her in roller skates.
Here's my version of Linda Rondstadt's, "You're No Good."